Microsoft Edge games panel raises concerns over Internet Explorer repeat

When Microsoft launched its new edge browser, it was too happy to finally keep away from dinosaurs known as Internet Explorer. It starts with a truly new web browser engine that finally falls flat on his face. However, by building at the Chromium Foundation, Microsoft found some freedom to develop exclusive new features to the browser. It seems to have gone to the extreme, though, and Microsoft Edge is now ready to use the Internet Explorer crown, and not in a good way.

Internet Explorer Baggage

To be fair, the internet may owe a lot in the Microsoft browser. Although Netscape overtakes, Internet Explorer and integration with Windows (some will call it a monopoly) help democratize the web and make it available for ordinary computer users. Already, for years, the only way most people get accesso to the internet, and the internet is almost identical to the logo “E” iconic browser.

That, of course, is history, and Internet Explorer finally becomes more responsible than assets. Because Internet standards evolved, namely abandoned because of Microsoft’s inability to quickly repeat its development. Part of it has something to do with the BLOAT software, and it seems that the technology giant will repeat history.

Games Galore

Even when it still uses the propezif company new edgehtml machine, Microsoft Edge is quite light on his legs compared to people like Google Chrome. Switch to the chromium base frees the company to focus on adding new features to that distance from rivals. Some of them might make sense, but the others began to disturb some Edge fans.

One of the latest controversial new features is the current purchase, pay the scheme later which will be very good as an optional add-on. In addition to a browser that can be said to have no business involved with this kind of financing system, some complain that it seems to have made the edge more slow. This is only the latest in a number of features related to shopping, one of Microsoft’s main ad points for EDGE.

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